February 2013
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Month February 2013

Affect data, February 28th 2013

For detailed description of parameters see the Data Methods part of this website

Stoicism: Stiff upper lip = 4

Mood: felt subdued ≈ 5

Control: Some control= 5

Discomfort: Mild = 6

Hat index 28th February 2013

Sindhi Topi.

Sindhi topi

Hat index 27th February 2013

Beenie pattern


Affect data, February 27th 2013

For detailed description of parameters see the Data Methods part of this website

Stoicism:  Grin and bare it = 6

Mood:  felt calm = 6

Control: Some control= 6

Discomfort: Mild = 3

Weekly blood counts data February 26th 2013

For detailed description of parameters see the Data Methods part of this website

Haemoglobin: 14.2

White blood cells: 7.12

Platelets: 286

Neutrophils: 05.08

All in normal range.

Neuts and platelets all down a bit

Hat index 26th February 2013

Beenie pattern


Affect data, February 26th 2013

For detailed description of parameters see the Data Methods part of this website

Stoicism: Wobbly lip = 3

Mood: low spirits = 4

Control: A little control = 2

Discomfort: Mild = 3

Hat index February 25th 2013

Hat = brown beenie

beenie brown

Affect data, February 25th 2013

For detailed description of parameters see the Data Methods part of this website

Stoicism: Grin and bare it = 5

Mood: Felt calm = 6

Control: Some control= 4

Discomfort: Mild = 2

Weekly update February 24th 2013

week ending Feb 24th 2013

week ending Feb 24th 2013

A busy week work-wise, and I mean work-wise not in terms of the blog where I was hoping to put more time into exploring how the data translates into watercolour structures and material. My working week has managed to continue reasonably uninterrupted to date despite a heavy demand on my time From the hospital. I’ve got used to being largely hairless but feel physically able. Mostly.

My treatment involves bursts of a full week of chemo followed by weekly squirts. I’ve just had a full week of a heavy dose of daily steroids (dex) which I’ve just come off. The emotional and physical side effects from this are quite tough to take and will reflect in the data I’m sure.

Data Summary

Hats: (Beenie grey x 2, Sindhi x1, Blue beat Mod x 2, Patterned beenie x 1)

Stoicism: a low of 3 wobbly lip and a high of 9 illness what illness. Mostly 5 stiff upper lip. I think the lower stats here are dex induced but I do find I can cope better when I’m doing creative activities as represented by illness what illness.

Mood: a low of 4 (subdued) and a high of 7 (cheerful and in good spirits), mostly 6 (calm). Interestingly the high and low scores don’t map to the stoicism scores. Some further analysis on this to come.

Control: a low of 4 (little control) and a high of 5 mostly 5 (some control ), looks fairly steady, I was juggling multiple work demands so reflected in this data.

Discomfort: a low of 2 (mild) and a high of 5 (moderate). Mostly 2(mild), I think the low discomfort scores are looking good here. My back has really settled down and not feeling much of anything anymore.


Bloods (Haemoglobin, White cell count, Platelets, Neutrophiils) all stayed stable and in the normal range. My specialists calls this boring, I’m delighted.