December 2013
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Month December 2013


My last update was in October, it’s been sporadic on B&B for many reasons. Firstly I actually returned to work full time in September although strictly speaking it was supposed to be part-time starting in October. I was immediately sucked into a very important Faculty submission for the Research Assessment Framework. In my role as Deputy Director of the Art and Design  for Westminster this meant total immersion, total engagement, total subjugation to the process. This was gruelling but also in a masochistic kind of way pleasurable as it enabled me to get away from my illness and engage with the world again.

Secondly since my Stem Cell Transplant in early July i’ve been in waiting mode. I’ve been tested on a regular basis during this period and will be in the near future to assess whether the transplant was successful or not. So I’m in a kind of limbo, while I feel well, I don’t know if I am. This has meant that I’ve been deliberately avoiding the blog. I simply haven’t felt psychologically strong enough to engage with the process of laying bare how I was feeling. At times it’s been very difficult to manage the uncertainty.

I am (sort of) resolved to start up again as in this pause I’ve had ideas about how to shape and forward the project. I have a clearer sense of it’s conceptual framings, approaches and linkages to other similar work.

I’m also looking for a haematologist to work with on the project so please contact me if you think anyone might fit the bill.

More after the new year.


blood counts data 30th Dec 2013

For detailed description of parameters see the Data Methods part of this website

Haemoglobin: 14.3

White blood cells:  7.4

Platelets: 192

Neutrophils: 5.0

All in normal range.

Serum electrophoresis: No paraprotein detected

Immunofixation: Awaited

MRI: Awaited.